Monday, December 14, 2015

DIY: Christmas Care Box!

This Christmas I decided to send a Christmas Care Box, filled with goodies, to my best friend who is in the Air Force.

Here are step by step directions on how to decorate the inside of a plain mailing box!

Step 1) Pick up a free box from the post office
             Purchase the appropriate size box to fit all your presents

I had to purchase the box I used since the gifts I was sending did not fit in the free boxes from the post office. Make sure you measure the largest item you are sending before you go to the store to purchase your box. The store employee will want to know the dimension of the box you want. Knowing the size of the largest item you will be sending will make it much easier to find a box.

Step 2)  Pick up craft supplies
                  -Black Sharpie or Colored Markers
                  -Decorative Paper
                  -Stickers, Glitter, Festive Items
                  -Any craft item that you think will enhance the look of your box

Step 3) Print out any pictures that you would like to add on your box. Cut them out.

Step 4) Measure decorative paper to the size of the sides of your box. Cut paper to size and tape.
            Any cardboard area which is shown inside your box will be covered with decorative paper.
            Make sure the paper is securely taped down. You do not want any of the paper to peel off
            during the mailing process of your care box.

I decorated my box with red and green paper. Alternating the colors.

Step 5) Write any message on the tabs of your box with a sharpie or colored markers.
             Decorate with festive decorations! (I used a little snow man and foil from Holiday
             Hershey Kisses. I made them into little snowflakes and presents)
             Make sure you tape/glue down all decorations securely!

Step 6) Glue on pictures to the tabs of your box and sign your name.

Step 7) Fill box with gifts and goodies!

Now you're all done!!!! You have made a very festive and thoughtful care box! It is very simple and is a lot of fun to put together! There are many creative quotes to write inside care boxes if you are in a long distance relationship. If you can't come up with a personal/unique quote then I recommend looking up care boxes on pinterest or google!

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