Monday, December 14, 2015

DIY: Long Distance Mug!

Here are step by step instructions on how to create this adorable mug for a long distance best friend! You can always change around the wording if you are in a long distance relationship!

 Step 1) Purchase supplies
                   -1 White Mug (I bought mine at the dollar store)
                   -Paint Pens in any color needed (available at craft stores)

Step 2) Print out the outline of both states you are including on the mug.
             Make sure you tape the states on the mug to test out the size before you start tracing.

Step 3) Shade in the entire back of the state (side of paper that is white) with pencil.
             This step allows for the pencil to be transferred onto the mug when you trace the state.

Step 4) Tape the picture of the state onto your mug. Trace the state with your pencil.
             Peel off when you are done fully tracing the state.

Step 5) With your paint pen, draw over the pencil transfer marks.
             Be careful not to touch the paint- let dry for 30 mintues

Step 6) Repeat for second state

Step 7) With pencil, draw dashed lines connecting both states to the cities you each are located in.

Step 8) Draw over the pencil dashed lines with your paint pen.
            Add tiny red hearts, with paint pen, locating the cities you both are located in each state. 
            Allow that side of the mug to dry for 30 minutes before holding the mug.

Step 9) Once the front side of the mug is dry, turn the mug to the back side.
             Trace any quote you want to put on the mug out in pencil.

Step 10) Go over the quote written in pencil with your paint pen.

Step 11) Allow the entire mug to dry over night.

Step 12) Put mug into oven at 425 Degrees for 30 minutes.
              Heating the mug makes the paint solidify into the mug.
              Place mug into cold oven while heating up so the mug acclimates with the temperature
              slowly and does not crack.
              When the 30 minutes are up, leave the mug in the oven while the oven cools down.
              These steps are precautionary so the mug does not crack.

Now you're all finished!! You have just made a thoughtful and extremely cute gift for a long distance friend or long distance boyfriend/girlfriend!!

DIY: Christmas Care Box!

This Christmas I decided to send a Christmas Care Box, filled with goodies, to my best friend who is in the Air Force.

Here are step by step directions on how to decorate the inside of a plain mailing box!

Step 1) Pick up a free box from the post office
             Purchase the appropriate size box to fit all your presents

I had to purchase the box I used since the gifts I was sending did not fit in the free boxes from the post office. Make sure you measure the largest item you are sending before you go to the store to purchase your box. The store employee will want to know the dimension of the box you want. Knowing the size of the largest item you will be sending will make it much easier to find a box.

Step 2)  Pick up craft supplies
                  -Black Sharpie or Colored Markers
                  -Decorative Paper
                  -Stickers, Glitter, Festive Items
                  -Any craft item that you think will enhance the look of your box

Step 3) Print out any pictures that you would like to add on your box. Cut them out.

Step 4) Measure decorative paper to the size of the sides of your box. Cut paper to size and tape.
            Any cardboard area which is shown inside your box will be covered with decorative paper.
            Make sure the paper is securely taped down. You do not want any of the paper to peel off
            during the mailing process of your care box.

I decorated my box with red and green paper. Alternating the colors.

Step 5) Write any message on the tabs of your box with a sharpie or colored markers.
             Decorate with festive decorations! (I used a little snow man and foil from Holiday
             Hershey Kisses. I made them into little snowflakes and presents)
             Make sure you tape/glue down all decorations securely!

Step 6) Glue on pictures to the tabs of your box and sign your name.

Step 7) Fill box with gifts and goodies!

Now you're all done!!!! You have made a very festive and thoughtful care box! It is very simple and is a lot of fun to put together! There are many creative quotes to write inside care boxes if you are in a long distance relationship. If you can't come up with a personal/unique quote then I recommend looking up care boxes on pinterest or google!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

DIY: Open When... Envelopes!

This Christmas I decided to send a Christmas Care Box to my best friend in the Air Force. Within the care box I included a few "Open When....." envelopes.

Here are some "Open When..." envelope ideas, as well as what to put inside.

Include an envelope which states "Open When.... You Get This Package!"
        In this envelope I included:
               -A note saying "Merry Christmas", hopes he enjoys his gifts, and how the envelopes work

1) Open When..... You Feel Sick
         In this envelope I included:
               -Cough Drops
               -Tea Packets
               -A note saying "Cold Care Kit", what is inside, and to feel better quickly since our
               country is depending on him! (He's an airman in the U.S. Air Force)

2) Open When..... You Can't Sleep
           In this envelope I included:
               -Sleepy Time Tea Packets
               -A note saying "Can't Sleep?" and some instructions on what to do.
                     ex: drink sleepy time tea, count sheep, call me and I'll sing some lullabies 

3) Open When.... You Need A Good Laugh
                         In this envelope I included:
                                  -Silly Pictures of us and friends
                                  -A note which includes extremely corny jokes that will immediately make
                                  anyone laugh due to the stupidity of them.

4) Open When.... You Need A Hug
              In this envelope I included:
                    -A Mailable Hug
                              DIY: -Trace both hands on construction paper and cut out. 
                                       -Measure yarn the length of arm span.
                                       -Connect hands with yarn.
                    -A note explaining how I made my mailable hug.

5) Open When.... You Are Stressed
             In this envelope I included:
                -Tazo Focus Tea Packets
                -Bubble Wrap
                -A note saying "For immediate stress relief, pop bubbles as needed".
                 As well as an inspirational/motivating sentence.

6) Open When.... You Are Homesick
                In this envelope I included:
                            -CD filled with a bunch of their favorite songs
                            -A homemade video
                                 DIY: -Film family and friends saying they miss them and hope to see them soon
                                          -Film favorite places, driving to their house, walking up to the front door
                                          (All filmed in the viewers perspective)
                                          -Edit with their favorite songs and funny bloopers
                                          -Create a private YouTube account and upload video
                            -A note with step by step instructions on how to access the YouTube channel
                             Write the Username & Password to the YouTube account so they can access
                              the video as many times as needed when they feel homesick.

7) Open When.... You Need To Hear A Few Compliments
               In this envelope I included:
                        -Take A Compliment rip off sheet
                          This sheet has compliments written on the bottom, cut & ready for the person to take.
                        -A note stating some of your favorite qualities in that person

8) Open When.... You Are Horny        (If you happen to be a little more than friends with this person)
         In this envelope I included:
               -Risque Pictures
                        DIY: 1)Print pictures out and put inside envelope
                                 2)Create a private online photo account (can be updated from time to time)
               -A note saying a risque message. As well as, the username & password to the online photo
                account. (For the recipients eyes only)

These are ideas for "Just Friends- Open When...." Envelopes. There are many more ideas for "Couple- Open When...." Envelopes.
Hopefully some of these ideas inspired you or helped you figure out what to put inside some of your envelopes!!
